
双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第109期:北京正负电子对撞机【98858vip威尼斯下载】

本文摘要:Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC)北京正负电子对撞机Beijing Electron-Positron Collider ( BEPC) completed its first successful operation on October 16, 1988.“It was hailed as another major scientific achievement next to China’s successful development of man-made satellites, nuclear”and hydrogen bombs and other achievements.1988年10月16日,我国第一座高能加速器——北京正负电子对撞机首次对撞顺利。

Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC)北京正负电子对撞机Beijing Electron-Positron Collider ( BEPC) completed its first successful operation on October 16, 1988.“It was hailed as another major scientific achievement next to China’s successful development of man-made satellites, nuclear”and hydrogen bombs and other achievements.1988年10月16日,我国第一座高能加速器——北京正负电子对撞机首次对撞顺利。这是我国时隔原子弹、氢弹发生爆炸顺利、人造卫星上天之后,在高科技领域又一根本性突破性成就。

The construction of the positive and negative electron collider is the largest project in China’s history. It was proposed by the Chinese American scientist Tsungdao Lee when he first came back home in 1972, and was also the last project with instructions from Premier Zhou Enlai just before he passed away. The project broke ground in October 1984 and was completed in four years, marking major progress in Chinese science and technology.这项被指出是中国科学技术史上仅次于的科研工程,是在1972年由美籍华人李政道回国时首次明确提出,也是周恩来总理去世前特地主持人的最后一个科研项目。1984年10月7日破土动工,仅有用四年时间就已完成了。

The collider consists of five parts: accelerating electron and positive electron accelerator; high-speed electron and positive electron storage rings; detector for collision analysis; synchronized radiation experimental zone for research and use of the constant rays released by high-speed electrons and positive electrons; and computer center for analysis and calculation of the whole process with fast computer. As a complicated systematic engineering comprised of hundreds and thousands of sophisticated special equipments, its success indicated each equipment, the quality of components, the skill of installing and testing have entered the international advanced level of the 1980s.该对撞机由五个部分构成:加快电子和正电子加速器;高速电子和正电子储存的环,探测器的撞击分析;实时电磁辐射实验区的研究和利用射线的大大获释的高速电子和正电子;计算机数据处理中心。是由数百种、上万台件高精尖专用设备构成的简单的系统工程。它能一次对撞顺利,指出对撞机的各种设备、部件的质量、加装调试的水平都超过世界一流。

The success of China’s first high-energy accelerator Beijing electron-positron collider evoked strong repercussion in domestic science and technology circles and also created a stir in the international high-energy physics. Many renowned highenergy physicists in the world said that the success of Beijing electron-positron collider was a great progress in scientific development of China and also a milestone in the development of high-energy physics.我国第一台高能加速器北京正负电子对撞机一次对撞顺利的消息,在我国科技界引发强烈反响,并在国际高能物理学界引起轰动。许多在世界上享有盛誉的高能物理学家说道,北京正负电子对撞机对撞顺利是中国科学发展的最出色变革,是高能物理发展的一个里程碑。



